And the Beat Goes On

Another day, another person in the House of White soon. Activisim on a pandemic is crucial. I’m thrilled to bits to witness someone respecting science and the general public simultaneously: riding two horses. You go, Mr. Pres. Elect. So here’s the deal: Could we all get into a convenient lockstep…not the Nazi type, the let’s get er done shuffle? I’m sure we all want to see Covid retire/his/herself and go off to some off-planet Bahamas vacation. I in no way want to be humorous about what we have all sustained. It is shocking and frankly, every person in America has some degree of PTSD regarding the pandemic. So let’s wear the mask, wash our hands, safe-distance and care about one another. We may not get to large gatherings for a while but we will all be alive and smiling at one another across zoom. Get over it, Americans. We are an entitled portion of the world population. Let’s do what it takes. And yes, I’ll play along with the Kumbaya chords for y’all.


Lockdown Desperation and Pondering Expiration

They say security is sketchy and that Google and FB are following us and know every smidge of our personal lives.  Maybe, but are they also reading our minds????

Yesterday, I got desperate to do something practical so I went into my infamous underbelly storage space. I found cans dated ten years back.  After spending way too long pondering, I threw them in the trash.  By the way, no signs of deterioration at all were noted. So then I went for a brief walk with a neighbor:  in masks and  6 ft. social distance, passing many joyful folks following no prevention of covid 19 instructions whatsoever.  but back to the dumpster dive…

I asked my friend:  about dates on food.  We both pondered but did not come to any conclusion.  So I went to the computer this morning. After all, Google is the quintessence of wisdom with any trivia I can dig up.    BEFORE I could type it in, here was an article on pocket..about food expiration dates. Now I find that spooky.  Are “THEY”, the social media pundits reading our minds?  Oh my!….  another conspiracy plot for sure.  So I’m diving into the trash can aka dumpster dive to retrieve the discarded cans.

The article was a very useful discussion of anything from cans, to bottles, to eggs and clumpy milk.  I assume that slimy greens pretty much speak for themselves.   I’ll behave and list the author at the bottom of this blog.  BTW,  I taught food microbiology a hundred years ago at LA State, but all I remember is the sour kraut and yogurt lab which was not exactly a screaming success. So I’m printing out the pearls and jamming the pages into the back of the drawer next to the fridge.  It already contains highly significant and practical pieces of data such as desperate handwritten notes of “where I put the keys to the generator”, locks with no known combinations, and wet matches I am hoping dry out.

As long as Washington and Geneva and Atlanta are storming the wires on lockup, lockdown, house arrest, and FREEDOM and WHEN,  I say we focus on the practical.  Alphabetizing my pantyhose drawer is something I may consider next.

I’m done staring hypnotically at press conferences from anyone anywhere.  It’s time to haul out the ancient DVDs that someone gave me including black and whites from the forties. I say this because my binge-watching is getting sketchy on what to choose next. AND NO, I do not binge-watch cooking shows.  They are way too scary.  I stick with the Mafia interviews on Valuetainment and other thoroughly fascinating trivia.   Oh and yes, I go to the altar of night comedians:  Trevor, John, Stephen, and Jimmie Kimmel.

I am also engaging in some Zoom activity but have a sneaky method of muting and going invisible,  you know, that cool black box with your name on it, invisible? I’ve discovered that  I can multi-task while others figure out what button to push.  Oh, we humans!  Even the squirrels outside are jumping for joy with the spring before us.  Lock anything up/down/sideways, they are going to be thrilled when I stop staring out the window at them.  AND, the stuffed animals downstairs are showing signs of boredom.  They have now refused to respond to my chit-chat.

But as I said, it is time to do something practical.  As for alphabetizing the pantry,  maybe I’ll do something really creative and organize according to proteins, carbs and fats, That should really screw up my figuring out anything to eat.  And yes, my refried beans will stay in the cool dark of the underbelly for another decade.

Here’s the article credit”   Food:  The Food Expiration Dates You should actually follow.  by J. Kenji Lopex-Alt.

Things that go bump in the night

Avian flu? Smallpox in refrigerators….somewhere? Ebola? Hanta?  and anything else live and well that goes bump in the night.  We will be witnesses to and perhaps players in to the next pandemic. When will it occur?  Tomorrow? This afternoon, or YIKES, in the middle of the night?  Are we prepared?  Good luck with that.